Free weight loss tracker printable: Everything you need to track your weight loss journey

Weight loss tracker printable
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Congratulations, you’ve started your weight loss journey and you want to track your progress. Well as a gift of encouragement to you, we have a free weight loss tracker printable for you to download. 

But before you download the tracker, here are 5 tips to help you in tracking your weight loss journey. 

5 Tips to get you started

Tip 1: Plan and write down how you’ll lose the weight, not just the goal

When you map out the steps to take to achieve your goal, not just identify the goal itself, you have a higher chance of achieving your goal. A study outlined in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology showed that out three groups of dart throwers, the group that first learned the process (movement of the arm, aiming at the dart board, etc), then focussed on the goal, far outperformed the groups that focussed on the goal before the process, or the goal and the process together. So figure out how you will lose the weight, plan your meals, schedule your exercise sessions, and set time aside to track your progress.

Tip 2: Ask a friend to keep you accountable

Checking on your progress regularly increases your chances of success so it’s great that you are downloading the weight loss tracker. But being accountable to a friend or coach works even better, so why not ask a friend to help you? Let them know that you are keeping track of your weight loss journey and ask them to keep you accountable on a weekly basis, right after you’ve taken your measurements. Research carried out by the American Psychological Association supports this method.

Tip 3: Chunk your weight loss goals

Looking at the mountain you’re about to climb is overwhelming, but putting one foot in front of the other seems much more easily attainable. It’s the same with weight loss. Write down your ultimate goal weight, but don’t look at that goal until you’re much closer to it. For now, set weekly goals, and just focus on that. With consistency, you’ll have reached your goal weight before you know it.

Tip 4: Your weight will fluctuate, don’t focus on it too much

Your body’s weight will alternate depending on the time of the month, the amount of fluids it’s holding, whether you’re regular or not, time of day and more. That’s why it’s not a good idea to weigh yourself daily. You’ll drive yourself nuts. Just like Homer, there will be a lot of D’ohs and WooHoos. Even week to week, you may be retaining water, or you may have your period, and your weight will fluctuate. Just keep being consistent and don’t get disheartened. If after a few weeks you notice no change, or your weight has increased, then reassess your plan.

Tip 5: When taking your body measurements, do it right

Make sure you’re consistently taking measurements in the same area every time. Also ensure the tape measure is sitting snug around your body part – not too tight or loose and do this every time. This will give you a more accurate picture. 

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