Duck nails, also known as flared nails, fan tip nails and even jersey nails, after jersey shores’ Snooki who made the nails popular back in 2012.
So they’re not new – they faded into the background but have made a come back thanks to TikTok. The nails get the name from the nails resemblance of a duck’s webbed foot.
Duck nails come short, long, ombre, french tip, decorated with rhinestones, Hello Kitty ornaments and more. The shorter the nail, the less pronounced the fan tail or duck design is. Here you’ve got 8 short duck nail designs for inspo.
Nude Gold and Black Duck Nails
This short duck nail design is elegant and trendy and the two feature nails, the black jeweled and gold striped nails really bring the design to life.
Sailor Duck Nail Set
Ahoy there, this blue sailor themed design with three variations is super cute. You have a blue stripe nail with a cream background, glitter on the other nails with some featuring a blue background and another white with glitter.
Multi-colored French Tip Duck Nails
Pastel-colored tips make this design so much fun. The duck nail design gives you more room to play with colors, even with short nails.
Short French Tip Duck Nails
A longer french tip that is contrasted against a pink cuticle section with glitter.
Black Duck Nails with Polkadot Feature
Gloss black nails are jazzed up with a feature polkadot nail design. These short duck nails are super cute but also elegant at the same time.
Blue Tip French Duck Nails
Blue tip french nails are a modern take on the traditional white tip french nails. Blue tips are so on trend. The duck nail design gives you more room to play with the tip, so the tip color appears larger than regular nails.
French Tip Duck Nails with Hearts
Such a cute design, this would be great for Valentine’s Day. This is a short french tip design with hearts that see everything.
Glitter Gloss Duck Nails
These earthy shades look great together and sparkle with the glitter top on.